I painted a winter scene inspired by this pretty (and very expensive) pillow from Crate and Barrel. I think it turned out really cute and it was simple to paint since there weren't any details.

I wasn't sure where to put it once it was finished, so stuck him with my snowmen.
Here is a picture of my snowmen and Santa collection in my living room hutch.

On another note - I received some very disappointing news yesterday. My temporary assignment ended. It was supposed to run through the end of this month, but the gal who had surgery came back this Monday and they just didn't need me. I was bored to death answering the phones and opening mail but the money has helped extend my unemployment benefits by about a month and was a huge help.
While I hate losing the money, the timing is good because now I can actually finish making my Christmas gifts (only made and mailed three!). I love being home and wish I could retire, but that is only a dream.
I hope you are having a good week preparing for Christmas.
Hay sweet girl,
I am so sorry to hear your temp job is over.
You are very talented painting and sewing. Have you looked for jobs in thos fields???
Surely there is something that needs just what you have. How about decorating??? Store clerk,
Stores need people to decorate displays and windows. Love< Fern
I like your painting WAY better than the pillow!! It's very cute!
What a sweet painting! Sometimes I think I might take up painting but it has yet to happen. So you say it wasn't too tough huh? For me it would be. My painting would have a stick figure dog in it. LOL!!!
I know how you feel about the work. I just ran out of interior painting jobs and though it's fine for now I worry about what the new year will bring if I don't work. We need two incomes. This recession is far from over.
Phyllis, it reminds me of the "black dog" from Nantucket. I like yours better!
This is such a beautiful blog! I had clicked on your page, but had to jump up and solve some crisis with kids/dogs. When I came back, this beautiful Christmas scene was waiting for me, complete with snowfall.... How perfect!
You did a great job on your painting. I like where you placed it. I wish you a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year.
Marie in NC
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