Monday, I attended my first Job Seeker meeting and met some other folks who have lost their jobs. I met a couple of women who I especially liked and we have e-mailed each other with useful information.
I also learned of free classes the community colleges are offering to those of us who lost their jobs. I've registered for a class this Friday and a few others in November - all of which will be informative and helpful.
I haven't heard a word on my last interview, so it has vanished like the others I suppose. All I can do is keep trying. I've applied for some great State Government positions - one of which is in the mountains - but it will take them a long time to act. In the mean time, the clock is ticking on my financial situation.
I've been wanting to paint again, and also try my hand at drawing on muslin to nurture my soul. Inspired by this book I bought a while back

and Michelle Palmer's art, here is my first attempt.

The shading isn't accurate, but overall I'm quite pleased with it. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it now - maybe just sew it onto a piece of fabric and make a collage or something.
I'm really just a frustrated artist at heart! If I got the job in Black Mountain, I'd be in heaven! It's an artist community and I can just see myself working during the day and creating in the evenings and sell my things in some local shops. Talk about bliss!!
Tomorrow is another day. For now, I'm going back to my drawing...
Have a good evening!