I did meet a woman (customer) who came into Gail's shop Monday and low and behold it looks like I'll be doing some contract work for her. Who knows where this will lead - somewhere, I hope! I'm very excited to get started; we're meeting next week to discuss all the details.
On a completely different note, my older daughter, Erin, gave me the first two books in the Twilight saga to read. I really wasn't interested but took them. Then I came across one of my blogs a couple of weeks ago and saw where the author had started reading Twighlight and raved about it. I can't remember what blog it was (I apologize) but thought - what the heck. Let me look into this. Boy am I hooked! I'm kind of a slow reader but I've finished the first two books and purchased the second two yesterday so I can continue. And like the other blog author stated, yes the story is based around a teenaged girl, but it is so good that the age difference doesn't really matter to me.

Well, it's Friday again - I'm off to clean a friend's house. And no, I don't do it out of the goodness of my heart; she's paying me. It helps us both.
Have a good weekend everybody and keep your fingers crossed about this contract work thing for me!!