I spent the weekend cleaning up Christmas and putting things away (mostly) and doing some organizing in my sewing room. I had a pretty good stack of fabrics that I've purchased over the year, all of which were laying on my cutting table. Well, they got put away and will be brought out as I begin projects that require them.
There is a very special project I'll be starting soon, but while staightening up my fabrics, I uncovered a really cool magazine I bought months and months and months ago (I think it was in the spring).

So today, I sat at my kitchen table with the bright sun coming through the sliding glass door and stitched two of these cute little tags up.

I have to put a little silk rosette on them and the ribbon to hang them with, but isn't it cute!?!

I did take a break to do more cleaning and I even rode my exercise bicycle for 30 minutes! I really need to take better care of myself and lose about 20 pounds, although I'd be happy losing 15 (or 5 for that matter!).
I've also applied for three governmental positions and have my fingers crossed that I get interviews scheduled for them. I've decided to look in that direction, since the government supposedly is hiring lots of people. And the Ft. Bragg area is booming due to a reorganization within the military and it isn't any further a commute than me traveling north to Durham, so I feel optimistic about landing a decent job within the next couple of months. That's the plan anyway! And I've got a couple of fun things planned for Feb and March so have those to look forward to.
It is absolutely freezing here (actually below freezing) but I splurged a couple of weeks ago and had my propane tank filled so I could burn my gas logs. I'm headed back in the den now to do a little more needlework by the fireplace.
I hope you all had a nice weekend!