The wall color is called Macedamia by Sherwin Williams. It's from the paint list of the model home I "worked" at last March. That house was gorgeous and is my inspiration for this particular re-do.
My kitchen window - didn't change much except I hung a string of white lights that I plug in at night. Such a happy glow at night! I made the stained glass piece years ago while taking a class (a very expensive hobby I haven't pursued).

Above the refrigerator wall; used to have a lot more prims and will continue to edit these into a more sparse and kind of PB/country french/prim Americana look.
I gave several items to my neighbor in my quest to reduce "stuff". One item in particular was worth $100 two years ago. Maybe that will payback for them helping me last week when my car broke down (again).
For now, I've just put most of my things back where they were. The bird tray and wire cloche are newly bought with Christmas money from my Mom. Thanks, Mom!

Above my stove - took a lot of stuff down and won't put back up.

The baker's rack/wall - edited. Can't wait to paint this and rearrange what is displayed!

The biggest change - my white wall cabinet. I loved the black and white but my stuff didn't show up well and I didn't want to take the fabric down. So last night I decided to put up some of my white plates and fell in love with it. I wanted to keep my little garden angels, so just interspersed them here and there.
And I love, love, love the top of the cabinet! My little white swan just never showed where I had it before. (It's a smaller version of the large one I have in the den.)

It's time to get busy. Work is closed today so I'm home (another day w/o pay). Blair and Zoe are outside and I'll have to keep the cats confined while painting my kitchen table or I'll have hair all over it - permanently!
TTFN - have a great day!