Now Rockie has a great gal working for her who also happens to be an animal lover. Rebecca took the pooch home to see if it would get along with her dog and kept it overnight. Today she took the beagle pup to the vet and guess what. Turns out this little dog had been micro chipped. Turns out that this little dog was registered to a New York research facility who adopts out some of their victims after using them. Turns out this little dog was adopted out to a family who decided that they no longer wanted this little dog and they dumped her.
I know for a fact that beagles used in reputable research facilities are purchased from breeders who breed dogs specifically for research purposes only. These dogs are bred for temperment - meaning they are submissive and won't try to defend themselves when subjected to whatever experiments are being performed on them. They are not given any vaccines prior to purchase by the research facility and their diets are strictly controlled. Otherwise, tests or vaccines or whatever may be compromised during "research".
I used to work for a contractor company at Glaxo-Wellcome, now Glaxo-Smith Kline. Every Thursday orders were submitted for their research animals and every Tuesday the animals arrived in a building that was set far back in Research Triangle Park under very tight security. While I never saw any of the animals, I knew what went on and only worked there for two years. When I started having nightmares about baby pigs being tortured I knew it was time for me to leave. I only took that job b/c I was desperate anyway, as it went against a personal conviction of mine.
Well this little beagle pup is now in a wonderful home where she will be loved forever. Like my friend Rockie said, she is starting the best years of her life. The gray on her face is most likely from aging prematurely due to stress. The dogs that are adopted out are usually fairly young. A lot of times people don't want to keep them b/c they are difficult to house train after living their lives in a steel cage. Those stupid people did this precious little dog such a huge favor by dumping her at the Salvation Army instead of what more commonly happens...dumping in the woods or on the side of the road. And after enduring whatever she has been subjected to in research, she deserves our gratitude and all the love in the world.

God Bless Rebecca and God Bless this little beagle dog!