I hope you all had a nice weekend. They sure go by too quickly, don't they?
I got most of my fall decorating finished, with the exception of my front porch. It should be ready to enjoy by this weekend - I sure hope so anyway.
Remember when I was asking about joining a swap of some sort? Well, I found a Christmas swap sponsored by Jane's Fabric and Crafts . This will be my first swap and I'm really looking forward to participating. I bought some Christmas fabrics a few weeks ago and have a pretty good idea of what I'm going to make for my secret partner. I might have to get a few more (darn!) but maybe not. The pictures don't do it justice. These two fabrics are rich looking in person.

When I saw this fabric, I grabbed it! I love almost everything with birds, feathers, trees or leaves on it and this so gorgeous!

And good news - I started a week long temp assignment today. The pay isn't anything to write home about but it's more than Gail can pay me and is a big help. I'll still be working for Gail, but will take any temp assignments that come my way. You never know what doors will open from meeting new people.
Well friends, it's late and I need to go to bed. I haven't had to get up this early in months and months!