I desperately need structural things in my front yard. I've wanted an arbor for a long time but the ones I like are too pricey for me to buy. I knew I could make one but I get frustrated because none of my projects turn out perfect the way I want them. Well, I got some birthday money from my mother and had a Lowes gift card from my daughter and her hubby leftover from Christmas, so I headed to Lowes today and went shopping.
They have all their spring stuff in and as soon as I saw this little bench, I knew I was getting it - and a matching flower pot too. It's made of resin but looks just like concrete.

I bought some lumber to make a small arbor and got this far today. I still have decorative scroll brackets to put on the sides and then reinforce it. I really prefer the arched arbors but was impatient. It will look better once it's covered with yellow jasimine.

I checked in on the baby doves this evening and their eyes are open already! They seem to be doing quite well. They're so ugly they're cute. I'm giving the parents plenty of food and water every day, as instructed by my friends who gave them to me.

I'm starting a part time job tomorrow at Gail's garden center. I'm really looking forward to it even though I'll probably spend all my pay there. Oh well, easy come, easy go! Have a good weekend!