There are several quilt shops in the Raleigh area that I've just never taken the time to visit. Well, this week we'll be hitting most of them. I'll be taking her to the State Farmer's Market in Raleigh to buy lots of fresh, local veggies to eat. I'm pretty bad about cooking for myself but am happy to eat well when somebody is here. And this will be my first week off from helping Gail in months and I'm really looking forward to it!!! Gail is at the Atlanta Market for the weekend ordering fall merchandise for her shop.
Now...check out this beautiful and adorable quilt that's up for a give away at Katie Cupcake

The pattern is from Quiilt Soup Pattern Company. I had never heard of this quilt site before; you need to check it out. They have lots of really nice patterns and kits.
Well friends, my house is an absolute wreck and I've got lots of cleaning to do before my sisiter, Susan, arrives later today. I always let things get so out of control around here!!! I'll be blogging about our adventures and yummy quilt stuff to share with you.