I hope you all had a Merry Christmas with your family and friends. I've actually been enjoying being able to stay home during this time. Would you believe I'm STILL making my gifts??? I just got my sister's gift mailed yesterday and still working on Gail's and something for my wonderful neighbors. Ugh.
First I want to show you what I made for my oldest daughter and her husband in Virginia. I got the idea out of a new book, Nature Inspired by Tracie Lyn Huskamp. I was very happy with the way it turned out and will be making more of this type of artwork.

Now for my big news! Remember I said I was ready to start fostering again? Well, I took Princess to meet a sweet dog a few days ago from my local rescue shelter. Her name is Blair, was an owner surrender and is 11 years old. What a sweet dog! I swear she is my Harley reincarnated except for her markings!! I brought her home and it's like she's lived here all of her life. Nobody has gotten upset with each other, no hackles raised, not even a growl from anybody.

Blair and Zoe meeting; Blair and Princess had already met.

This angelic dog is wonderful and I've already decided that I am going to adopt her once she is through her heartworm treatment (no, I know I shouldn't at this time but oh well...). Yes, she is heartworm positive and coughs a lot. Heartworms are completely preventable and the treatment is so expensive and makes the dog feel sick during it. Poor Blair has not only lost her only home at the ripe old age of 11 years, but now has to undergo the treatment.
The little shelter, CARA, that I'm fostering her for has already treated 20 dogs this year, to the tune of $500 each. The area where I live isn't a wealthy one and animals aren't respected much by the general population, so that she was taken in by the crowded shelter to be given a chance for a new home is really wonderful. I have donated $25 toward her expensive treatment and am going to be very bold and ask if you can donate a few dollars toward Blair's treatment. CARA accepts checks or donations through PayPal. If we all give just a few dollars, it would help this shelter tremendously. There are so many organizations that help people, but the animals need help too and just like other charities, your donation is tax deductable! Thank you so much whether you can help or not.
Well friends, it's well into the morning and I'm still in my pj's drinking my morning coffee. I've got to get going and finish making my gifts!! Have a great day and I will catch up visiting you within the next day or so :)