Boy is it coooooooold here! It forces me to stay inside and work on more projects and some re-organization of my "stuff".
I wanted to share a picture of the piece I made for my sister as a Christmas gift. It's another project inspired by the book I mentioned in an earlier post. She likes black, white and yellow so I knew I'd be painting her a goldfinch. This all sets inside a deep shadow box that is also black.

After I cut out the painted bird, it was missing something so I painted a bunch of leaves and glued them here and there. To me, everything looks better with a little green on it (my favorite color, btw).
I took the little verse right out of the book. I had a super hard time finding anything I liked better for her.

Now I need to make a couple of these for myself!
Oh....keep your fingers crossed for me. I'm in stage II of the screening/interview process for a great job. I just know I'll be getting a job in the next two or three months....I feel it in my heart!!!!
Stay warm!