I've been using Liquid Fence to keep the deer off my hydrangeas and daylillies and it seems to be working really well, with a few exceptions. A lot of my daylillies have had their buds nipped off, so I won't be seeing them bloom this year.

And darned if they didn't eat two of my tomato plants! Last year, I only got two little tomatoes from four plants!

I've been steadily working on my All Dressed Up quilt blocks. I'm able to get one block appliqued each lunch/dinner break. I can't stand just sitting listening to other employees talk trash. At least this way, I feel like I'm using my time being productive with something I enjoy. It feeds my soul.

I've also started the thank you gift for my wonderful vet; this is as far as I've gotten. I cut the blue banner a tiny bit too short and will patch it up tonight or tomorrow. Then the hard part begins - making the lion's head.

I cleaned out my nasty garage while I was off and uncovered a little fountain I bought years ago. I thought the pump had died, but low and behold, it still works so I hooked it up and am now enjoing it on my front porch. I love the sound of trickling water.

I don't know why my words are squished against the pictures; everything is spaced correctly in my post. Oh well!
Standing on my feet in one spot for hours on end is already starting to bother my lower back. I bought some new (and better quality) tennis shoes with more support to try to help my feet more too. They work us crazy hours. I worked eight days in a row and then off for a couple. Now back today and I don't know what my schedule is for the coming days, but will find out soon enough. It's hard on the poor dogs when I'm gone from 1 - 11 p.m. but they are going to have to deal, just like me.
Gotta run...lots to do before heading to Lowes!