I was prepared for the worst but was quite happy to be able to use my sewing machine all day and half the night. I didn't turn on the TV or my computer and had a nice, quiet and very relaxing day. I needed that in every way.
All my little critters took naps and I did too!Here is my Princess with Zoe close by. They love their doggie sofa that my daughter gave them last year!

I woke up Blair when I took her picture.

I woke up Smudge too...look at those sweet pink pads on his paws :)

The camera didn't phase Wendy and Topaz, who were all curled up with each other on my bed.

I haven't taken pics of the snow outside but will when I go out to feed the geese. I didn't open the barn yesterday so the chickens will be wanting out today. There is so much icey snow though, that they won't be able to do much other than get some Vitamin D as it is quite sunny out.
Here's the quilt I started yesterday and should have the top completed today. I fell in love with this fabric collection and bought it as soon as it came out last summer. I'm so glad I did!

And my special project is coming along nicely. Once it's received by a special somebody, I'll be able to post pictures of it. I'm quite proud of this one.
It's time to let those chickens out so I need to get away from the computer. I hope you all have a nice day. Tomorrow I start the job searching again.