I worked on my walkway a few days ago and messed it up. Now I'm very unhappy with it but must press on. I used a different type of concrete and it was difficult to work with and I made a mess of things. I'll continue with the original type of concrete and worry about making it look better after the entire walkway is finished.
I've completed all the beadwork on my crow wallhanging and it's now ready to sandwich together. I could kick myself though. I was at JoAnn's yesterday looking around and didn't realize I needed some flat piping for an accent. I was trying to finish the project using stuff I already had, so didn't even think to look at the directions for completion before leaving the house. Of course I don't have enough coordinating fabric on hand to use, so am at a standstill with that.
Remember the pretty autumn bird quilt top I pieced together last year? It's been in my closet waiting to be made into a quilt and I got it out yesterday. Last night I was able to get the layers hand basted together, which wasn't easy considering three of the critters in the house decided it was a good place to play.
Zoe couldn't get close enough to me. Doesn't she look like an angel? Ha - no way!

Little JoJo kept chasing the thread as I was basting - the turkey!

I couldn't keep him off, so just worked around him.

Smudge wasn't any trouble at all; he just supervised.

I have a phone interview with my old company today. We'll see how things go. I still have another iron in the fire that I'm waiting on as well, and I hope one of these jobs come through for me.
Have a good day, whatever you do!