She also brought her handbag patterns and completed the Claire Handbag by Lazy Girl Designs

Her bag - I wouldn't have the patience to make one of these.

An inside shot

Alissa stayed with us for a couple of days and Susan made her a cute little bag without any pattern from some scraps. She is so talented. Alissa was thrilled, as you can tell by her face.

Here is my little Halloween table topper. I took a couple of elements from a pattern I borrowed to make it. I wanted to make a cute pieced house block but had a lot of trouble trying to make it into a 6" square. I'm going to applique a black cat on the right side of the roof and sew some crooked boards on the house. I still need to embroider a spider and some other elements but am quite pleased with it. I'll post a completed picture once it's all finished and bound.

On the second trip to Thimble Pleasures we took Alissa with us. She almost immediately picked out some cute fabric that was perfect for a quick snuggle blanket so I bought enough to make one for her. This blanket will stay at my house to make it even more special to her. I've sewed some buttons on it and all that's left is to bind it, which should be done tomorrow if I don't get side tracked with yard work :)

Well friends, that's the sewing we did this week. My DS has gone back to her own home and I miss her. It was so nice to have her here with me and share something we both love so much. We're definitely going to have to do this again!
I have lots more pictures of our trips to Thimble Pleasures and will post them next time. (I can't find where I saved them!!!)
Have a great day tomorrow!