Gail has helped me a lot this year and she had asked in January if I would build this for her. I want one for myself too but it will be a while. The one I made out of thin plywood months ago holds some sewing notions but isn't sturdy and can't really be used like this one. Here is my friend with her gift; she liked it.

Now that Christmas is past, I want to start on non-Christmas projects of all sorts. I did a little work outside today in 20+ degree weather. I only got one forsythia bush cleaned of honeysuckle. The rest of the day was spent teaching Alissa to sew. She designed and stitched (with a little help from Nana) a pillow for her new little cousin. I can't post a picture of it though till after the gift is given this weekend. She did a good job and stuck with it the entire project and only got bored stuffing the finished case.
I started a little wall hanging that I saw somewhere on the web...just a little quickie for Alissa's bedroom. We'll be painting it soon (been talking about it for two years now) and I wanted this little piece to put in her "new" room.
Back to stitching....hope you're having a nice day. :)