I thought I'd show you all what I did to make my bowl of hearts prettier. I cut out several felt hearts while watching my Saturday night British sitcoms and hung them from my old gumdrop tree, which I put right in the middle of the bowl. I think it turned out pretty cute, don't you? I wonder how long it will last with the cats - I now have four in the house and two of them are horrible at jumping onto everything!

Since the little felt hearts didn't take long, I embroidered this heart tea towel, which I think I will keep for myself. I found the free pattern at Bird Brain Designs . Since I free-handed mine, I had to add a heart to fill out the arrow. Here's my flour sack tea towel:

While reading my blogs last night, I came across this adorable give away from De at It's About Annie. I still have my original Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls and this little one would be cute to keep them company. (Actually, I'd have to dig them out of the closet and dress them, as somewhere along the way they've lost their clothes!)

On another note - I've had a couple of emails about the status of Carly, the little dachsund who ate the toxic sugar free gum. I'm happy to report that little Carly is doing great. She has to stay on meds for a long time and get re-checked periodically, but she is one lucky little doggie! Thanks for asking about her. Just remember to keep anything containing Xylatol safely away from your pets!!
Half the day is gone and I haven't done anything productive, so I'm off to clean my computer room and put the last few Christmas decorations away...if I can make my way around all the animals on the floor, one of which you can't even see! They've been destroying their new toy while I've been blogging!

...and the instant I'm up - my chair is taken over!

Have a great day everybody!