Yay! I've completed my Christmas Swap quilt and will mail it Saturday! It's been fun to make but I'm ready to move on to other projects. If I was keeping this, I'd have beads all over it, but I thought I'd be a little conservative since it's for somebody else.

Back to the sewing machine to stitch a little something extra for her.
BTW - my new temp assignment is great...nice people, good environment, lots to do, and not a bad commute. I'm happy :)
I am sooo glad you are HAPPY in this temp job. I pray that it will become permanent!
You deserve it, I think.
I'll bet you could do a lot with Toms tractor.
Tom has done way more than I ever dreamed he could do with it. He has had it 23 years now.
Love, Fern
Hi Phyllis--I am so happy that you are happy on the new job--keep it going-girl!!!! Love the finish you got done--isn't it a great feeling when one gets a commitment done and in the mail--I got my signature civil war blocks mailed today all 70--now to wait to get 70 different ones back????
Hugs, Di
Hi Phyllis, I just found your blog through the Christmas Corgi. That so so beautiful, I have always wanted to try quilting. you are very clever. Have a lovely weekend, Hugs, Catherine x
Aw, I love this post, so up and positive!! :)
Glad you like the temp job, that is fantastic.
The quilt is gorgeous, the person receiving this is going to be very lucky.
This is really pretty, especially on that background. It's perfect!
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