Monday, March 16, 2009

Baby Dove #1 Arrived!

I'm so excited! Here I am on the computer paying bills when I hear lots of fluttering in the next room. I new right away one of the cats was terrifying the doves so ran in to chase the culprit out. Then I saw this and thought - oh no, Sarah pecked one of the eggs and threw it out of the nest; she only wants one baby!
Then I thought - wait a minute...check the nest to be sure. Look! Momma is being very protective. Don't worry Sarah, I wouldn't hurt your baby.
Here is proud daddy (Alex) being introduced to baby #1. One minute later, Alex is sitting on the nest giving Sarah a break. How sweet!

Baby doves are quite ugly but in two weeks, this one will be as gorgeous as it's parents! Geez - now what do I do????


Betty said...

Just keep those pictures coming! It's like a little wildlife tour..what fun for us!

nikkicrumpet said...

You rent them out for weddings lol. They aren't cute for sure when they are birds are just icky. But how cool that momma and daddy are doing such a great job!

Laura said...

How sweet! I've never seen doves that color before.

Gone said... sweet!!

Thanks for the visit!!


T said...

AWWWW, this is so sweet!! Looking forward to more pictures.

Anonymous said...

Phyllis, how wonderful to witness this. :-)