Monday, March 9, 2009

Spring is Springing - Yippee!

I know it's still technically winter but the plants and birds aren't waiting any longer. Yesterday it was a whopping 83 degrees here (I wish it wouldn't get any hotter in the summer) and today it was 69 degrees. In a couple of days we'll be back down to the 50's but that's ok with me.

All the birds are singing and staking out their territory for nest building and the tree frogs are singing all night now. I love sleeping with the windows open and hearing them, even if they do wake me up. I don't care - it's not like I'm on any schedule these days.

I spent the afternoon planting a Redbud Forrest Pansy in honor of my new little granddaughter, Ginny. It's just opposite from the Little Gem Magnolia I planted for Alissa when she was born six years ago. After I got the special tree planted, I finally planted two crepe myrtles that I bought last summer. I couldn't figure out where to put them. Not because I don't have room, but because I have too much room. My front yard is getting kind of hodge-podgey and I really don't know what to do with it.

Enough gab - here are a few pictures:
This is my male dove, Alex, giving Sarah a little break from nest duty. He is so good to her. I sure don't want to raise doves but they wanted to nest so I put a basket in their cage for them and they are now taking care of two delicate white eggs. I'll be building a medium sized aviary outside for them before too much longer.

The established Redbuds are bursting with buds

The pussywillow is too

and the cherry trees!

My forsythia is almost in full bloom and won't be lasting long; they've just popped open within the last couple of days:
The daylillies have been coming up for a little while but the deer munch them down immediately. I sprayed them with vinegar this afternoon; that will deter them for a while.
My periwinkle is just beginning to bloom as is my evergreen clematis. This clematis has white flowers that almost smell like gardenias but not nearly as strong and with a hint of lemon. I love this vine, but the flowers don't last very long :(
My red stemmed hosta is growing; I've babied this expensive little plant for years. I don't dare put it in the ground!
And last but not least, my newest daffodils that I planted a few months ago
Before much longer, all the trees and flowers will be in full bloom, and with it the pollen, but it's so worth the sneezing and runny nose!
Yikes - I didn't realize it's so late. I haven't even had my dinner yet!


Anonymous said...

Hi Phyllis.

Yeah - Spring at last in your part of the Country. I was glad to hear that my post on painting the tea cup was helpful ( I had you in mind and was hoping it would be helpful).
If you wanted to paint a background - you could pull all of the colors of the flowers out and paint them very light - all blended together. You can paint the background at the same time you paint the flowers and it will look great.
Have a creative week.

Four Paws and Co said...

Your pictures are delightful & I'm so in love with your sweet little dove. ♥

Gayla said...

It was exciting to see the pretty flowers and buds just bursting into the scenery... I am totally ready for spring this year!! Even though I'm usually a winter gal. Loved your post.. Congratulations on your new granddaughter!