Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Very Neat Organization Idea!

I gave our director of marketing a pretty little scarf as a small Christmas gift.  Yesterday she stopped by my office to thank me again (she's so sweet) and gave me the best tip for storing scarves, so I tried it.

I went to the Dollar Store and purchased a set of shower curtain rings and clipped them all onto a heavy plastic coat hanger.  Then I just slipped a scarf through each ring and presto - all my scarves are neatly hung and each are visible.  Because I was storing them all in a drawer in a heap, I even discovered two that I had forgotten all about!

And, since I spent the Sunday after Christmas ruthlessly removing clothes I no longer wear, I have room to hang this in my closet now!

I took three boxes and a huge shopping bag full of clothes that I haven't worn in ages to a thrift shop.  What a great feeling.  I want "stuff" out of this house and I've gotten a very good start.

If you are organizing your household like so many folks do in January, try this tick for storing scarves and let me know how you like it.