Sunday, September 12, 2010

Inspiration from Blowing Rock

I've been back from the mountains for 48 hours and have almost completed a garden project that I saw in Blowing Rock. This is their beautiful piece.

Here's what I've gotten done so far.

I'm going to have to move one of the baskets up higher, but I'm pleased with it.
I've got tons of honeysuckle on my fences, so I pulled some down and wound it around the post. I haven't put the finishing piece on the top yet and will do that later. Next step is to make two small bird houses to hang on the front of the post.

I was so happy to have discovered this idea! I've had a few different things in this spot of my flower bed and none of them were big enough. It just never occured to me to sink a 4x4 and hang things from it. I'll definitely be making a few more of these.

...and here is what my Princess was doing while I was working on my project. The property has been invaded by voles.

Her face is covered with dirt!

I'm Back

What a short trip it was, but so beautiful. I love the mountains and it's been many years since I've been able to go up there. The trip was very quick but I was happy every minute I was there.

Gail's condo is very close to Grandfather Mountain, which is the view from her back deck.

Picures never do the mountains justice, so I didn't take very many of them. I took pictures mostly of gardens and realated projects (like I need more projects on my to do list!)

The leaves haven't begun turning yet, but I didn't care. I'll be able to go again sometime when it isn't rented.

What memories these wilflowers brought back to me. We called them Touch Me Nots because when you touched the seed pod, it would pop and send seeds flying. The feeling of the pods being squeezed between my fingers was such a thrill...a simple pleasure...a crumb of happiness for the child I was.